
章瑩穎案 受害人沒找到就不能起訴謀殺罪 一說沒有法律根據

作者:fighter8  於 2017-7-8 07:24 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


看到華人媒體出現了一種理論稱 :



事實上, no body, no murder,這早已經是久遠的法律歷史。隨著科技發展,兇嫌們毀屍滅跡或者完全掩蓋的本領越來越高,西方世界從上個世紀50年代起就開拋棄了這個理論。當代法律僅僅需要環境證據circumstantial evidence,就可以證明某人已經死亡。當然,受害人還活著的可能性存在,但是極小的比例。為此這類謀殺案都不會直接對謀殺罪成的罪犯施行死刑。


In 2000, prosecutors in Orange County, New York, secured that jurisdiction's first-ever bodyless murder conviction. Gregory Chrysler and Lawrence Weygant were found guilty of beating Dominick Pendino, a coworker they mistakenly believed had given police the tip that had led to their arrest on drug-dealing charges, to death with a baseball bat and disposing of his body. They relied on eyewitness testimony from a former girlfriend and police informant, as well as forensic evidence showing that enough of Pendino's blood stained a car seat for him to have died without immediate medical attention.[18] Neither the body nor the bat have been discovered: Chrysler and Weygant remain in prison and have rebuffed efforts to elicit the body's location from them.

In June 2001, Essex teenager Danielle Jones went missing and despite a body never being found, the required circumstantial evidence was provided by forensic analysis of text messages sent by the accused, her uncle Stuart Campbell, who was convicted of her murder 18 months later. Police determined that Campbell had sent text messages from Danielle's mobile phone to his own after she disappeared, to make it appear that she was still alive, and noted that the spelling of several words in the text messages sent from Danielle's mobile phone had changed after she was reported missing. Their suspicions were also supported by mobile phone records which showed that Campbell's mobile phone, and that of his missing niece, were within a short distance of each other when the messages were sent.

In 2002, Girly Chew Hossencofft's husband and his mistress were convicted of her murder, which occurred in 1999. Hossencofft's remains have never been located.[19]

In spite of advances in forensic technology, the possibility of the supposed victim turning up alive remains. In 2003, Leonard Fraser, having allegedly confessed to the murder of teenager Natasha Ryan, was on trial for this, and other murders, when she reappeared after having been missing for four years.[20]

In 2006, prosecutors in Nashville, Tennessee, had Perry March arrested and extradited from Mexico after he had been secretly indicted on charges of murdering his wife Janet, who had disappeared in 1996. An attempt to have March's in-laws killed while March was awaiting trial led to the arrest of his father, who as part of a plea agreement confessed to burying his daughter-in-law in a pile of brush near Bowling Green, Kentucky, but he was unable to lead police to the body after the intervening nine years. Perry March was convicted in 2006 almost ten years to the day after his wife disappeared.

In the Australian no-body murder of Keith William Allan, evidence from forensic accountants established a motive for his murder. The chance police finding of one perpetrator driving Allan's car and the conduct of all perpetrators, in particular mobile telephone records, were also important factors in their conviction.[21]

In 2007 in Omaha, Nebraska, Christopher Edwards was convicted of murdering his girlfriend Jessica O'Grady, whose body has never been found. His mattress was soaked with her blood.

In 2008, Hans Reiser was convicted of first degree murder of his wife, Nina Reiser. After conviction and before sentencing, Reiser pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of second degree murder in exchange for disclosing the location of his wife's body.[22]

參見 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_conviction_without_a_body


又據說這些都是「環境證據」不算數。這也是特意對華人的忽悠。美國大多數的嚴重犯罪都是靠環境證據贏得定罪的。比如O。J。湯普森案,起訴他的所有證據都是環境證據。只不過是因為警察做弊企圖給他plant evidence被發現,使得檢方的整個起訴可信性被有效質疑,審判被推翻而已。實際上也更因為那是一個大多數黑人的黑人陪審團。也就是說,如果不是黑人陪審團,不是警察種植證據,湯普森本來完全可能被定罪謀殺的。對此參見https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumstantial_evidence#Validity_of_circumstantial_evidence


如果是為了性,視頻已經證明章已經自己主動上了車,這種情況下這已經被一般人視作一種open to other possibility的暗示,因為在美國西方,年輕女性都被教育不能上陌生人的車的。章案一發,就有不少西方人在質疑章為何要上陌生人的車,是否證明其輕率等等。。。既然章已經上車,和平索取性就成為可能,要圖性至少按常理是藤森應該有一個和平索取的過程。可是他卻第一時間對章使用了暴力。要說是為了綁架去蓄性奴,藤森也沒有這種條件。











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回復 Duffy 2017-7-9 08:51
回復 ccacer7921 2017-7-9 11:19
回復 fighter8 2017-7-10 02:57
ccacer7921: 是的,兇殺第一現場就是副駕駛座位。就是說還沒等受害人下車就行兇了!所以副駕駛座位被特殊地清洗過!至於什麼監聽里他說什麼進入住處,一開始有反抗,再說後來
回復 fighter8 2017-7-10 02:58
Duffy: 您說得很對:你我華人都會在某個時間成為不同嫌犯的「最理想受害人」。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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