

作者:fighter8  於 2015-6-28 09:38 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村

















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回復 fighter8 2015-6-28 09:46


回復 fighter8 2015-6-28 10:03
華人:Liang just did not know someone got shot. This is Liang』s side story, when Liang and Landau walked toward the stairwell, Liang was heading first, he held a torchlight with one hand, the gun on the other. When Liang was entering the stairwell his gun accidentally fired. Landau was still in the lobby, had not entered the stairwell. When the gun shot fired, Liang did not hear any noise because Gurley was still walking down until 2 flights lower and collapsed on 5th floor, so Gurley and his girlfriend did not make noise yet at that moment. Then Liang jumped back to lobby in shock by the firing, Landau asked and Liang said he accidentally fired. They began to debate who to call in to report. Then Landau entered the stairwell to look for the bullet hole on the wall, it』s when he heard a woman crying, then they walked down to 5th floor and found Gurley was dying. Liang called the ambulance and then collapsed on floor in shock and trauma, (there is a witness to that), he could not get up from the floor and had to be sent to hospital to be treated. No one would be so stupid not calling for ambulance once realizing some one got shot by a bullet from his own gun, because that would result in more in liabilities for him. There must be some political reason for Landau and the prosecution to deliberately fabricate facts. Liang is a chicken who dreamed to be a cop. But he never intended to shoot Gurley and to not render help to Gurley.

黑人:That crossed my mind too. Makes a lot more sense that he didn't call it in right away because he didn't know someone was shot.

Still absolutely does not absolve him from responsibility for his negligence that caused the victims death but the callousness he's being portrayed with is questionable.

Oh, and the political reason is just that; a political response to the current anti police hysteria in this country.
回復 fighter8 2015-6-28 10:13
華人:Can anyone really believe that the two officers would dare to walk around the dying man and not help, even it's not their fault for the shot? It goes against any human being's instinct. As officers they would have to check right away as to what happened, since maybe there was a suspect around they at lease needed to worry about their own safety. After Liang realized it's his fault, he called ambulance and the collapsed on floor himself, and had to be sent to hospital by ambulance for trauma treatment (there is a witness to that.). Do you really think this chicken would just walk around dying Gurley and not worried for himself?

黑人:Yes, as foolish as it is, people here really believe that.

I don't. Read my post again.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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