

作者:fighter8  於 2015-5-26 10:16 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




黑人 - Russia must support the oppressed people in the USA, especially if the US financed the Nazis in Ukraine to undermine Russia!

華人 - We Chinese supported you in civil right movement, because you asked for support, Mao speak for you, Chinese marched for you, now Blacks become US president, blacks say we Chinese owe you, you liberated us from segregation. you come after us, began to kill us Chinese in America, White officers kill you, you indict Chinese officer for a accident, and let the White officer's accident go free. when we are oppressed you don't help, your Black president, black official, black judges, black prosecutor, all help the Whites to oppress us. America Blacks are in wrong direction.

黑人 - You mean the PUPPET black leadership, right?!

華人 - It's not only black leadership, in California, 85% black violence is on Asians, you kill us more and more after Obama became president. when you get mad at Whites, you choose to loot Chinese, Indians, Arabs. funny you still expect other miorities to stand for you. you think we owe you so you can kill us when you are not happy, we still need to support you. wrong.

黑人 - It's your own fault. If we ChinesAmerica Blacks are in wrong direction









發表評論 評論 (1 個評論)

回復 fighter8 2015-5-26 10:25
黑人 - About 40 years ago Black people stood for not only thier rights but
the right of all people of color..will any of the people who have reaped the
benefits of our sacrifice help us with our current struggle?Everybody has
lived these great lives in America,allowed to go any school,drink water from
any fountain,open up any business,latin people,asian people,african n arab
all enjoy this so called american dream even jewish,but knowone is standing
up for the african american who stood for your parents so you could have the
life had.We are humanity scapegoat..blame everything on us,take everything
from us,divide us,kill us,lock us up like we the only people who kill,sell
drugs,do drugs,import drugs,human trafficking,start wars?I see black people
marching for Gaza..but no arabs marching for black life taken?oh well one
thing for sure history has a way of paying back those who owe the people of
the world.GENTIALS.MUD RACES .1 MILLION AA MEN LOCKED UP 80% is drug related
.Maybe 555 system n China taken over isnt so bad.

華人 - It's your own fault. If we Chinese and the socialist countries did
not stand out for you you won't win the civil rights movement, now you only
want us to help you but you help the Whites to opress us Chinese. We Chinese
supported you in civil right movement, because you asked for support, Mao
speak for you, Chinese marched for you, now Blacks become US president,
blacks say we Chinese owe you, you liberated us from segregation. you come
after us, began to kill us Chinese in America, White officers kill you, you
indict Chinese officer for a accident, and let the White officer's accident
go free. when we are oppressed you don't help, your Black president, black
official, black judges, black prosecutor, all help the Whites to oppress us.
America Blacks are in wrong direction

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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