

作者:ryu  於 2014-8-5 17:40 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


第一名:獨立日(The Independence Day),攝影者:Marko Korošec。2013年5月28日,在美國龍捲風走廊(Tornado Alley)追逐風暴探險活動中,作者遇到過許多很上鏡的超級單體風暴。照片是2013年5月28日在科羅拉多州朱爾斯堡附近走進風暴過程中所攝。一小時多前天氣預報警告說要有龍捲風發生,但刮到最後,卻一直只是低壓風暴,未形成龍捲風。不過,偶爾形成漏斗狀雲層,還下了很大的冰雹和一點雨。
The Independence Day: While on storm chasing expeditions in the Tornado Alley in USA I have encountered many photogenic supercell storms. This photograph was taken while we were approaching the storm near Julesburg, Colorado on My 28th, 2013. The storm was tornado warned for more than one hour, but stayed an LP storm through all its cycles and never produced a tornado, just occasional brief funnels, large hail and some rain. Location: Julesburg, Colorado, USA (photo and caption by Marko Korosec)
亞軍:耶路撒冷(Mea Shearim, Jerusalem, Israel),攝影者:AGNIESZKA TRACZEWSKA。
First Time: Mea Shearim, ultra Orthodox district of Jerusalem. Newly married, Aaron and Rivkeh after the wedding ceremony are to stay together for the very first time, alone. Their marriage was arranged by families. 18 years old candidates confirmed the choice in result of the one meeting only. Since then until the wedding day they were prohibited to meet or even talk. Location: Mea Shearim, Jerusalem, Israel (photo and caption by Agnieszka Traczewska)
季軍:奇幻王國中的潛水者(Diver in Magic Kingdom),攝影者:Marc Henauer。
奧地利特拉格斯的綠湖(Grüner See),每當春天融化的雪水匯入其中,其水位能上升10米,淹沒附近的公園。不過這一奇幻世界每年僅存在幾周的時間。
Diver in Magic Kingdom: Green Lake (Grüner See) is located Tragöss Austria. In spring snowmelt raises the lake level about 10 meters. This phenomenon, which lasts only a few weeks covering the hiking trails, meadows, trees. The result is magical to watch diving landscapes. Location: Grüner See at Tragöss, Austria (photo and caption by Marc Henauer)
有霧的小城鎮(Foggy Small Town),照片拍攝於2013年12月25日的中午,從一個完美的角度來看位於小鎮邊緣的幾近完整的歷史古鎮的全景。霧和輕霧瀰漫給小鎮以神秘感。地點:捷克克魯姆洛夫,南波希米亞,捷克共和國(照片和說明者: Duowen Chen)。
Foggy Small Town: This photo was captured at noon, 25.12.2013, from the castle which is located on the edge of the small town and is the perfect viewpoint for the panorama of the almost intact historical town. The fog and mist suffused and gave the town a sense of mystery. Location: Cesky Krumlov, South Bohemian, Czech Republic (photo and caption by Duowen Chen)
世界的盡頭'end of the world' ,攝影者:Sean Hacker Teper。在厄瓜多巴諾斯(Banos)「世界盡頭」拍攝的這張照片上,這位男子搖蕩在鞦韆上,俯瞰正在噴發的通古拉瓦(Tungurahua)山。2014年2月1日火山開始噴發。拍了這張照片的幾分鐘后,人們不得不撤離該地區,火山灰馬上降臨。
End of the World: This photo, taken at the 'end of the world' swing in Banos, Ecuador, captures a man on the swing overlooking an erupting Mt. Tungurahua. The eruption took place on February 1st, 2014. Minutes after the photo was taken, we had to evacuate the area because of an incoming ash cloud. Location: Banos, Ecuador (photo and caption by Sean Hacker Teper)
等候的女士(Ladies in Waiting),攝影者:Susie Stern。While exploring Burough Market in London, I was delighted to come across four lovely young women dressed in vintage white dresses, eating ice cream as the local shopkeeper looked on. Are they brides? Or bridesmaids. I don't know, but they are obviously enjoying a very special day. Location: Burough Market, London, England.
Ladies in Waiting: While exploring Burough Market in London, I was delighted to come across four lovely young women dressed in vintage white dresses, eating ice cream as the local shopkeeper looked on. Are they brides? Or bridesmaids. I don't know, but they are obviously enjoying a very special day. Location: Burough Market, London, England (photo and caption by Susie Stern)
撒哈拉沙漠的小憩(A well earned rest in the Sahara),攝影者:Evan Cole


A well earned rest in the Sahara: This photo, of Moussa Macher, our Touareg guide, was taken at the summit of Tin-Merzouga, the largest dune (or erg) in the Tadrat region of the Sahara desert in southern Algeria. Moussa rested while waiting for us to finish our 45 minute struggle to the top. It only took 10 minutes of rolling, running and jumping to get to get back down. The Tadrat is part of the Tassili N'Ajjer National Park World Heritage Area, famous for its red sand, and engravings and rock paintings of cattle, elephants, giraffes and rhinos that lived there when the climate was milder. Location: Summit of Tin-Merzouga, Tadrat, Tassili N'Ajjer National Park, Algeria (photo and caption by Evan Cole)


神聖的妝容,攝影者:Mahesh Balasubramanian。在印度,過了濕婆之夜就是「The Mayana Soora Thiruvizha」節,這是在Kaveripattinam小村拍攝的照片。原文是: Divine Makeover: Taken during 'The Mayana Soora Thiruvizha' festival takes place every March in the small village of Kaveripattinam, the day after Mahashivarathiri (The great night of Shiva). The festival is devoted to Angalamman, a fierce guardian deity worshipped widely in Southern India.


Divine Makeover: Taken during 'The Mayana Soora Thiruvizha' festival takes place every March in the small village of Kaveripattinam, the day after Mahashivarathiri (The great night of Shiva). The festival is devoted to Angalamman, a fierce guardian deity worshipped widely in Southern India. Location: Kaveripattinam, Tamilnadu, India (photo and caption by Mahesh Balasubramanian)
卸下重擔的馬兒在夕陽下休息("Khotso" Peace at Devil's Knuckles),攝影者: Byron Inggs。

"Khotso" Peace at Devil's Knuckles: On arrival at Jonathan's Lodge our horses took to celebrating liberation from their heavy burdens. With the backdrop of "The Devil's Knuckles" and the afternoons glow how could i not take advantage of these magnificent creatures rejoicing in the afternoons glow . This was the end of the first of a three day horse back ride through Bushman's Nek, up the Drakensberg escarpment and into Lesothos' Sehlabathebe National Park. Location: Jonathans Lodge, Qachas Nek, Sehlabathebe National Park, Lesotho (photo and caption by Byron Inggs)
光源(LightSource),攝影者:Marcelo Castro。原文: Young Monk finds a perfect light source to read his book inside of his pagoda - Old Bagan, Burma.
LightSource: Young Monk finds a perfect light source to read his book inside of his pagoda - Old Bagan, Burma (photo and caption by Marcelo Castro)
生活在香港就像住在盒子里,攝影者Norbert Well 。
日暮時分,水田裡出現迷人的光彩,作者抓住了這個瞬間,中國雲南元陽。攝影者Thierry Bornier 。










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回復 trunkzhao 2014-8-5 17:51
回復 fanlaifuqu 2014-8-5 20:33
回復 xqw63 2014-8-5 21:36
回復 越湖 2014-8-5 21:46
回復 【小蟲攝影】 2014-8-6 04:10
是《中國國家地理?。優秀攝影佳作。謝謝分享 。我還以為是美國地理得獎
回復 北京的大平 2014-8-6 05:41
回復 ChineseInvest88 2014-8-6 08:08
【小蟲攝影】: 是《中國國家地理?。優秀攝影佳作。謝謝分享 。我還以為是美國地理得獎

回復 ryu 2014-8-6 14:52
ChineseInvest88: 我想這些得獎是美國的《國家地理雜誌》獎。

若是中國的雜誌,我一定榜 水田。
回復 ryu 2014-8-6 14:53
北京的大平: 真好!
大平 兄夏安。
回復 ryu 2014-8-6 14:54
【小蟲攝影】: 是《中國國家地理?。優秀攝影佳作。謝謝分享 。我還以為是美國地理得獎
小蟲 姐,有若多英語,當然是美國地理得獎羅
回復 ryu 2014-8-6 14:55
越湖: 有功,有藝,大師級。
越湖 兄,工具好也算好?
回復 ryu 2014-8-6 14:55
xqw63:    第一名真的很棒,必須跟蹤拍攝
回復 ryu 2014-8-6 14:56
fanlaifuqu: 第一名那張確實壯觀!
那才是 Profationally 的作品。
回復 ryu 2014-8-6 14:57
trunkzhao: 好。
回復 北京的大平 2014-8-6 18:19
ryu: 大平 兄夏安。
回復 ChineseInvest88 2014-8-6 21:48
回復 ryu 2014-8-6 21:54
ChineseInvest88: 亞軍有點不配,沒什麼特別。
回復 ChineseInvest88 2014-8-6 21:59
ryu: 以「地域之感」、「精彩瞬間」這四個大主題之中的両個來説,特別有點特別不?

回復 ryu 2014-8-6 22:05
Invest88: 去拍任何一個少數民族的婚禮,都比那幅強。

Chinese 88 兄定在影射 Chinese Party   
回復 ChineseInvest88 2014-8-6 22:35
ryu: Chinese 88 兄定在影射 Chinese Party   


facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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