

作者:jannykwong  於 2010-6-27 10:27 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村













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回復 snortbsd 2010-6-27 11:35
personally i have no sympathy for drunk driving offenses. i think they must pay fully for their stupidity or even crimes, depends on the scenarios.

driving while intoxicated is normally charged as a misdemeanor, or  felony, depends on the situations. if someone was injured as a result of the drunk driving, in some states, the offender will be charged for felony. more if the victim dies, some states will charge the driver with reckless homicide.

recently, increasing number of states, a driving under influnce offender will be charged for felony if it is the driver's second, third offense.

the charge of misdemeanors can carry the possibility of incarceration in the county or local jail for up to one year ; felonies usually result in a state prison term for more than a year. of course, all of those punishment will come with hefty fines!!!
回復 jannykwong 2010-6-27 11:48
回復 jannykwong 2010-6-27 11:48
snortbsd: personally i have no sympathy for drunk driving offenses. i think they must pay fully for their stupidity or even crimes, depends on the scenarios.

回復 snortbsd 2010-6-27 11:55
jannykwong: 我也不同情因為酒後駕駛發生車禍的人,只是同情他們為此事日夜操心的父母。
those 日夜操心的父母 are one of root problems for chinese society. in such environment, kids grow up with no sense of responsibility.

in the states, we have saying:"if you do the crime then you do the time". it is well understood and well accepted as the rule of the society.

maybe that 日夜操心的父母 should spend some time in jail to learn the lessons of the rule of laws...
回復 jannykwong 2010-6-27 12:29
回復 jannykwong 2010-6-27 12:30
snortbsd: those 日夜操心的父母 are one of root problems for chinese society. in such environment, kids grow up with no sense of responsibility.

in the states,
回復 snortbsd 2010-6-27 12:50
jannykwong: 「養兒一百歲,長憂九十九。」這是大多中國父母的通病,他們大多難以做到像西方父母的瀟脫。
it isn't 瀟脫! it is sad part of our value system.
回復 lilly13 2010-6-27 14:41
回復 jannykwong 2010-6-27 14:58
lilly13: 真是好律師。
回復 jannykwong 2010-6-27 15:03
snortbsd: it isn't 瀟脫! it is sad part of our value system.
回復 yulinw 2010-6-27 17:30
jannykwong: 中國父母在對待自己的孩子上需要改變觀念,不能無休止的呵護,如何讓他們自立自強才是重要的。
回復 紅妹子 2010-6-28 00:05
jannykwong: 中國父母在對待自己的孩子上需要改變觀念,不能無休止的呵護,如何讓他們自立自強才是重要的。
回復 陳營 2010-6-28 00:50

回復 華東方 2010-6-28 02:01
jannykwong: 中國父母在對待自己的孩子上需要改變觀念,不能無休止的呵護,如何讓他們自立自強才是重要的。
回復 gyyy 2010-6-28 05:46
your mercy to the driver and his parents is cruelty to the victim and her/his family. It is very unprofessional. There is no difference between DUI and murder. the driver should've been put in jail or at least paid the full amount.
回復 xqw63 2010-6-28 06:29
回復 trump 2010-6-28 06:48
回復 彩舟雲淡 2010-6-28 08:03
回復 snortbsd 2010-6-28 08:30
jannykwong: 中國父母在對待自己的孩子上需要改變觀念,不能無休止的呵護,如何讓他們自立自強才是重要的。
well, that is one of my points. also the sense of responsibility for whatever you do in life.

animals also have this "偉大的母love", could we human being go beyond that? why doesn't our humanly, this 偉大的中國母love come with something like teaching our youngs that they must take care of the consequences of their own actions? did she ever consider that victim(s) of this crime? she should have let her son do his time in jail to pay for his mistake in life, instead of buying him out of troubles. to me, that would be true motherly love. yes, touch love, is true love for human kind...

i will forever remembered my grandma's story that a son (who was a thief, robber, and murderer) bit his mother's nipple out right before his execution.

roughly this story goes: when he was kid, he stole things from neighbors. his mother didn't stop him and fought for him with neighbors. when he grew a bit older, he robbed, his mother hid things for him instead of reporting the crime. later he killed. eventually he was caught and condemned to die. the last request from him was to suck milk one more time from his mother breast....
回復 snortbsd 2010-6-28 08:34
well, from perspective of lawyers, you did whatever your client requested, gave her the best result...

but for me, i just have very little sympathy for that mother...

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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