

作者:十三大爺  於 2010-10-4 12:15 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




比爾·馬艾英語Bill Maher1956年1月20日-),美國著名棟篤笑表演者、電視清談節目主持及作家,亦是不定期的社會時事評論員。現時為HBO清談節目比爾馬艾的實時》(Real Time With Bill Maher)的主持,最近製作了紀錄片標叔出城之與神駁咀》(Religulous),籍此探討美國對宗教的態度。









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回復 goodoctor 2010-10-4 12:47
The 9/11 Comments That Cost Bill Maher His Job

A week after September 11th 2001, Bill Maher sat down with his panel on 『Politically Incorrect』 to discuss 9/11 but little did he know that his comments on this show would eventually get the show cancelled. During a debate about terrorists, Maher refused to call the terrorists cowards, Maher said the U.S was lobbing cruise missles from thousands of miles away and he thought that was more cowardly.

Maher』s comments sparked a huge controversy and soon advertisers began to pull out, in the show』s final months it struggled to find support but was eventually canned.

In retrospect, I』m not sure Maher was looking at all sides of the issues. It takes balls to fly a plane into a building, but killing innocent people? Sorry, I can』t find a way to call that brave. There』s no doubt that America should not be lobbing cruise missiles from thousands of miles away but that』s no way to justify the killing of 3,000 innocent people.
回復 goodoctor 2010-10-4 12:49
that is not smart comment
回復 十三大爺 2010-10-4 16:40
goodoctor: that is not smart comment
Stan Marsh and Kyle Broflovski of South Park once said that at least one quarter of Americans are retarded.  Just to prove the point, among Stan, Kyle, Kenny McCormick and Eric Cartman, Kyle said Cartman is retarded, that's one quarter.  

Okay, I know you will say I am being extremely sarcastic again.  But Maher has his point.  For example, a vast majority of Americans do NOT have an interest in things happening abroad, and more than 80% have never been abroad.  If your scope and vision are limited in an increasingly inter-dependent world, and if you only follow your religious teaching RELIGIOUSLY, and if your political icons happen to be tea party and Palin, I am really worried about this country
回復 十三大爺 2010-10-4 16:54
goodoctor: The 9/11 Comments That Cost Bill Maher His Job

A week after September 11th 2001, Bill Maher sat down with his panel on 『Politically Incorrect』 to
I don't agree with every comment Maher made.  But overall Maher is someone intelligent and passionate about this country, just Ann Coulter, another polarizing figure in our political landscape.  Did you know both of them are Cornell graduates and could you imagine they allegedly once dated each other?  And did you know that James Carville and Mary Matalin are a couple and both are CNN political commentators albeit coming from two completely different camps?
回復 fanlaifuqu 2010-10-4 20:55

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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