
[Outsmart Your Cancer] 好書介紹

作者:路不平  於 2010-7-24 03:29 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



書名:Outsmart Your Cancer
(Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work)
By Tanya Harter Pierce

When you "OUTSMART" your cancer, only the cancer cells die - not your healthy cells! In writing "Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work", Tanya Harter Pierce interviewed scores of people who outsmarted their cancer and went on to live normal healthy lives. Read their real-life stories and how they completely recovered from lung, breast, prostate, colon, kidney, brain, bone, pancreatic, lymphatic, and other types of cancer using non-toxic approaches! In an easy-to-understand conversational style, this book also explains the sound scientific reasons for the successes of alternative cancer therapies.
當您" OUTSMART" 您的癌症,死亡的是癌細胞,而不是您的健康細胞!此書作者Tanya Harter 皮爾斯採訪了許多使用無毒(Non-Toxic Treatments )方法,戰勝各種癌症,並且正常健康生活的人。作者還以容易讀,容易理解的會話方式,闡述了這些癌症療法得以成功的合理的科學原因。

Tanya Harter Pierce has written a variety of articles, some of which are available below. New articles will be posted as they become available.

Alternative Treatments for Cancer – False Hope or Real Solutions?
Reprinted from Resourceful Living (a publication produced by WebND.com), this article highlights the reality of cancer treatment today, the differences between conventional and alternative methods, how conventional cancer cure rates are fudged, false hope and more. A good introduction for people just starting to look into alternative cancer treatments.

Mammograms: Are They Safe? Are They Effective?
All women over the age of 40 are told to get regular mammograms. But every woman should know that mammography is NOT the best diagnostic tool for catching breast cancer early, and that that there are many experts who believe mammograms can even CAUSE breast cancer. Read this revealing article to learn the 3 main reasons NOT to get a mammogram.

What Men Need to Know about Prostate Cancer and PSA
With Prostate Cancer affecting so many men, and at younger and younger ages, every man needs to understand what few doctors will tell them . . . that lowering one』s PSA score does NOT always correspond with the cancer going away. Read what the PSA score REALLY refers to and why taking hormone-blocking drugs like Lupron or Casodex may be the worst thing you can do if you have prostate cancer.

Why Alternative Cancer Treatments are So Effective
This article dispels common myths about alternative cancer approaches and explains the most important reasons why alternatives for cancer are MORE effective for long-term recovery than conventional methods. Learn about the importance of 「continual use」 and why chemotherapy is like trying to kill cockroaches with cannons.

The Scientific Basis Behind Alternative Cancer Treatments
One common misconception is that alternative treatments for cancer are not 「scientific.」 In fact, this could not be further from the truth! In this article, you』ll read about two of the most important characteristics of cancer cells which have been supported by rigorous scientific study. These scientific principles also form the basis of some of the most powerful alternative cancer treatment approaches.











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回復 練精化氣AAA 2010-7-24 03:39
唉  你又入了笱中
回復 SirCat 2010-7-24 05:10
回復 路不平 2010-7-24 10:53
SirCat: 支持老兄!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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