

作者:8288  於 2021-9-6 07:07 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



  • 不少美國人對麩質(gluten)敏感/不耐受/過敏,而大米天然不含麩質。
  • 按照 per serving 來算,大米比義大利面和麵包便宜。


長粒米/Long Grain



超市裡最便宜的、包裝上沒寫米的品種、只寫著 long grain 的米就屬於此類。超市的這種便宜米就只是能煮飯而已,不香。

Long Grain Rice | Amazon

Member's Mark Long Grain White Rice 25 lb. A1 - SET OF 2
Member's Mark Long Grain White Rice 25 lb. A1 - SET OF 2
U.S. grown; Maximum 4% broken kernels; Gluten-, sodium-, GMO- and fat-free rice
Zatarain's Enriched Parboiled Long Grain Rice, 10 lbs
Zatarain's Enriched Parboiled Long Grain Rice, 10 lbs
Extra-long, natural parboiled rice in a convenient 10 lb bag; Delivers delicious rice that is always fluffy and never sticks together
733 個好評 $11.45
泰國茉莉香米/Jasmine Rice


泰國茉莉香米 Jasmine Rice | Amazon

Iberia Jasmine Long Grain Fragrant Rice, 18 Pounds
Iberia Jasmine Long Grain Fragrant Rice, 18 Pounds
HEALTHFUL: Our Jasmine rice is vegan, non-GMO, naturally gluten-free, kosher, and non-fat.
Iberia Jasmine Rice, 5 lbs. Long Grain Naturally Fragrant Enriched Jasmine Rice
Iberia Jasmine Rice, 5 lbs. Long Grain Naturally Fragrant Enriched Jasmine Rice
HEALTHFUL: Our Jasmine rice is vegan, non-GMO, naturally gluten-free, kosher, and non-fat.
4,660 個好評 $8.79
Asian Best Jasmine Rice, 25 Pound
Asian Best Jasmine Rice, 25 Pound
Naturally Fragrant; Selected Premium Quality; Low Cholesterol; Low Fat; Low Sodium
印度米/Basmati Rice

華人應該不習慣吃。印度米粒真的非常的長,煮出來每一粒都超過1cm。非常不吃水,也就是口感很硬。印度人最常見的吃法是煮成薑黃飯 briyani rice,相信我,你不會天天想吃。

印度米 Basmati Rice | Amazon

Authentic Royal Royal Basmati Rice, 15-Pound Bag, White
Authentic Royal Royal Basmati Rice, 15-Pound Bag, White
QUALITY: Brought to you from Royal, America's Best-Selling Basmati rice
SCS Royal?Basmati Rice - 20 Lbs. by Royal
SCS Royal?Basmati Rice - 20 Lbs. by Royal
Premium aged rice, naturally aromatic; Grown in the fertile soil of the foothills of the Himalayas
中長米/Medium Grain

中長米在美國很常見,超市都買的到,粘性比長粒米大,煮出來的飯較軟。因為多產自加州,非進口,所以價格適中。這種米也是最能體現電飯煲技術的,普通電飯煲煮出來會偏硬一些,用微電腦或 IH 電飯煲煮就好吃多了(參見《美國電飯煲選購知識及熱門型號推薦》)。市場上有以下幾種,口感差別不大,我通常是看哪種在打折就買哪種。

國寶米/Kokuho Rose


紅國寶米 | Amazon

Kokuho Rose Rice, 15-Pound
Kokuho Rose Rice, 15-Pound
1-15 pound bags; 100 percent California grown medium grain milled rice; Medium grain; Kosher Certified
1,177 個好評 $27.49
Kokuho Rose Rice, 10-Pound
Kokuho Rose Rice, 10-Pound
The package dimension of the product is 6"L x 5"W x 4"H; The package weight of the product is 10.3 pounds
296 個好評 $19.95
Kokuho Calrose Rice Yellow, 15 Pound, 240.0 Ounce
Kokuho Calrose Rice Yellow, 15 Pound, 240.0 Ounce
Country of origin is United States; The package dimension of the product is 11.4cmL x 27.9cmW x 47cmH


錦米 Nishiki | Amazon

Nishiki Premium Sushi Rice, 10lbs
Nishiki Premium Sushi Rice, 10lbs
Medium grain; Non-gmo; Certified Kosher
$25.99 −13% $22.49
Nishiki Premium Rice, Medium Grain, 15-Pound Bag (Pack of 2)
Nishiki Premium Rice, Medium Grain, 15-Pound Bag (Pack of 2)
A great choice for everyday consumption; 15 Pound Package, Pack of 2; Raised in California
34 個好評 $61.99 −5% $58.99
富貴花/Botan Calrose Rice

包裝上一朵大紅花,Walmart 就有。我目測是三種中長米中最圓的,已經很接近短粒米了。

富貴花米 Botan | Amazon

Botan Musenmai Calrose Rice, 5 Pound
Botan Musenmai Calrose Rice, 5 Pound
Us #1 extra fancy calrose rice; Kosher certified; Great for sushi; Milled in California
Botan Calrose Rice, 15-Pound
Botan Calrose Rice, 15-Pound
1-15 pound bags; All Natural; Kosher certified; Made in United States
675 個好評 $22.98
Botan Calrose Rice, 20 lb U.S. No. 1 Extra Fancy
Botan Calrose Rice, 20 lb U.S. No. 1 Extra Fancy
Botan Calrose Rice, 20 lb; U.S. No. 1 Extra Fancy
$29.00 −6% $27.40
短粒米/Short Grain

又叫壽司米,東北米就屬於此類。米粒圓圓的,粘性很大(當然不夠糯米粘性大),吃飯的時候可以用筷子夾起一坨來,價格也最貴,反正我自從來到美國就沒敢買了,吃不起啊吃不起。如果你想做壽司,不一定非得買壽司米,只要是包裝寫著 short grain rice,就可以拿來做壽司了。西班牙燉飯 risito 用的也是 short grain rice,美國超市裡就有,叫 Arborio Rice,但我沒有試過把西班牙短粒米直接煮成飯,感興趣的童鞋可以試試看。

壽司米 Sushi Rice | Amazon
Tamanishiki Super Premium Short Grain Rice, 4.4-Pounds
Tamanishiki Super Premium Short Grain Rice, 4.4-Pounds
4.4 Pound Package; California short grain rice; Widely used by prestigious Japanese Restaurants
Nozomi Super Premium Short Grain Rice, 15-Pound
Nozomi Super Premium Short Grain Rice, 15-Pound
Premium sushi rice; Short grain rice; GMO free
451 個好評 $33.99
糙米/Brown Rice 糙米 Brown Rice | Amazon

美國市面上的 brown rice 多是 long grain 的,價格便宜。我覺得美國糙米比亞洲的糙米更粗糙更難煮熟,其中還有很多雜質,我每次都要洗好多遍。當然為了營養,我還是會買。我認為一份糙米混合四份白米,煮出來的口感尚能接受。

NISHIKI Premium Brown Rice, 5-Pound
NISHIKI Premium Brown Rice, 5-Pound
5 Pound Brown Rice; This Product Des**tion Is Informational Only.
2,872 個好評 $5.54
Nishiki Premium Brown Rice, 15-Pounds Bag
Nishiki Premium Brown Rice, 15-Pounds Bag
15 Pound Package; California medium grain rice; A great choice for everyday consumption; All natural
1,540 個好評 $17.34
BEN'S ORIGINAL Ready Rice Pouch Whole Grain Brown, 8.8 oz. (12 Pack)
BEN'S ORIGINAL Ready Rice Pouch Whole Grain Brown, 8.8 oz. (12 Pack)
Microwaves in just 90 seconds; 100% US Grown Rice; No artificial colors, flavors or preservatives
糯米/Glutinous Rice

糯米雖然叫 glutinous rice,但它並不含 gluten,麩質敏感的人可以放心吃!它也叫 Sweet Rice。我在 Walmart 買到過泰國產的糯米。除了常見的白色糯米,還有黃色、黑色的糯米。黑色的糯米也叫紫米,煮成甜粥,淋點椰漿,是東南亞的一道甜品,我一想到就流口水呀!

糯米 Glutinous Rice | Amazon

Hakubai Japanese Sweet Rice | 2 Lbs - 2 Pack | Glutinous Sweet Rice for Mochi Gome | 4 Lbs Total
Hakubai Japanese Sweet Rice | 2 Lbs - 2 Pack | Glutinous Sweet Rice for Mochi Gome | 4 Lbs Total
BUY IN BULK: This pack contains 2 x 2 pound bags of dry Japanese sweet rice; TASTY AND SWEET: A delicious sticky rice for a variety of dishes
Glutinous Rice Flour Erawan THP (2 Pack)
Glutinous Rice Flour Erawan THP (2 Pack)
Glutinous Rice Flour; Pack of 2
536 個好評 $7.99 −6% $7.49









剛表態過的朋友 (4 人)

發表評論 評論 (8 個評論)

回復 虎山寨主 2021-9-6 07:16
回復 8288 2021-9-6 07:27
虎山寨主: 我只吃一種高麗米。買過一種最貴的日本米,也沒有比這種高麗米好吃。
回復 虎山寨主 2021-9-6 08:29
8288: 電飯鍋沒用對
我的電飯鍋應該還可以,Zojirushi NP-HBC18 。可能有十年 了。
回復 light12 2021-9-6 08:30
虎山寨主: 我只吃一種高麗米。買過一種最貴的日本米,也沒有比這種高麗米好吃。
回復 虎山寨主 2021-9-6 08:35
light12: 介紹一下牌子?
kyong gime。Hmart有賣。我每年11月份都要買5袋(20磅/袋)New Corp。非常好吃,又便宜。
回復 tea2011 2021-9-6 09:09
我近期在Amazon 上買的錦字牌brown rice 還是不錯,也價合理。紅寶大米我也喜歡的。
回復 light12 2021-9-6 22:12
虎山寨主: kyong gime。Hmart有賣。我每年11月份都要買5袋(20磅/袋)New Corp。非常好吃,又便宜。
回復 SAGFS 2021-9-8 04:36

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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